This weekend, Hayden proved himself to be somewhat of a popular guy amongst the ladies. We were eating brunch this morning with Sara, who was in town this weekend, and Jaime. A waitress stopped to say that she usually doesn't have a thing for babies but that Hayden was just too cute. She also said that he was right in sync with the Victoria Secret lingerie line because he was wearing plaid. I guess she didn't have that much going on upstairs but we'll take a compliment where we can get one.
He was also fawned over at Ray's birthday party by all the ladies. Ray got a little upset that he wasn't getting all the attention at his own party. He took it out on everyone through some excessively violent moves in a Twister game.
Hayden ended the weekend counting the zits on Tiger Woods' forehead on his Grandpa's new HD flatscreen TV. He wouldn't stop begging for one the entire car ride home. 

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