Hello and welcome to the new blog. It's not really that new. I had to change the template because the image links were broken for me with the old version. I'm quite proud actually because I was able to change the template without my bossy, and much older sister's help. Yeah for me.
Along with blog changes, we also made some changes around the house. Grandma and Grandpa came over today. Grandma bought us an old Electrolux floor buffer from the Sally Ann a while ago. Daddy and Grandma got their hands on that ol' bugger and buffed the heck out of the dining room and back hallway. The floors look great and now we're excited to do the living room too. Grandma even made us dinner. Thanks Grandma!
Hockey Day in Canada was very exciting as well. Daddy got to go out and play road hockey with some buddies. Hayden had to stick with Mommy and Aunty Jaime and endure girl talk at Maxwell's and some shopping. Poor Hayden. At least he got to watch Daddy play on Sunday morning.

I like the new look! A more mature look for a more mature Hayden...
I'm not bossy! You'd better take that back or I'll pound you...
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