What crazy weather! I was listening to the radio and heard that a big oil company hired some "scientists" to prove that Global Warming is not real. Afterwards, I headed outside in my t-shirt with Jessie, Hayden, and Scott for a walk. Kind of scary if you ask me.
Hayden also saw his Daddy play hockey for the first time. He had such confidence in his Daddy's abilities that he fell asleep for the entire second half of the game.
We had a great dinner with Peter, Ellen, Marco, and Tina on Saturday. Somehow, we convinced them that Aylmer isn't on the other side of the world and they came to our end of town to eat at La Casa Grecque. Hayden came along. I was a bit nervous because he's been fussy at night. He was wide awake and quiet just until my dinner arrived. Then we all took turns holding him to keep him quiet.
We did something else this weekend...

Some people might travel, others have expensive gambling habits, some even squander their dough on Nortel stocks. We, on the other hand, buy vintage furniture. I've had my eye on an Eames Rocker for the last ten years. This weekend, I finally took the plunge. These rockers were only produced for commercial sale until 1968. After that, the Herman Miller company made them only as gifts for their employees who became parents. They would put a plaque on the back for the recipient. Mine has a plaque stating that it was a gift for Laura Christine Camenga in 1978. I love it and rocking Hayden in it is my new favourite pasttime. We found it at a great store right here in Ottawa called
Found Design. Michael, our new best friend, was really helpful and has one of those jobs that just makes you want to press the rewind button.