Daisy and her Dolly

Heidi and Scott's Squat Off
Santa was really good to the kids and to us. Hayden loved leaving out cookies for Santa and he really loved the Transformer that Santa left for him. Daisy loved the dolly that Grandma gave her that looks just like a little version of her. We ate lots of yummy food, saw lots of smiley faces, and celebrated the season in style. All in all, it was a great Christmas.
We finished the holidays off with a fun round of something we've come to call "The Yak-Poo". Perhaps it made a visit to your home as well. Things started the day before we were supposed to go and visit Papa in Montreal. Hayden puked a couple of times that day so we postponed our trip. He was better the next day and never really acted that sick so we figured it was a food thing. The morning we left for Montreal, I was feeling a little off but I thought I was just tired. By the time we pulled into Montreal, I had to ask Scott to pull over. By the time we got to Papa's, I was feeling so sick that I decided to lay down in Papa's room rather than have lunch with everyone. When they all finished, they came up to get me and we started changing Daisy before our ride home. That's when she decided to barf. The ride home was treacherous. It was really blustery and people were sliding off into the ditches. Meanwhile, we had to keep pulling over either so that I could yak, or to clean Daisy up from yakking. Miraculously, Scott avoided the sickness. The Yak-Poo was no fun.
Now that the holidays are over, we are trying to make the most of winter before it melts away and I have to go back to work.
Hayden is making the most of his time with Shawn before him and Sara move out into their own house. His all time favourite thing to do these days is Bongo Brothers (aka Mario Brothers). Normally, this is the first thing out of his mouth when Shawn walks through the door. There was a couple of days when Shawn couldn't play because he was sick and had to rest. Here is the conversation that took place after those days. Shawn, are you sick? No. Are you tired? No. Do you need to take a break? No. Does your neck hurt? No. Do you want to play Bongo Brothers? Two of them? YES!
Hayden is also almost totally potty trained. He's wearing pull ups to bed but otherwise, is fully rockin' the undies. Yay!
He's still loving Outside School on Wednesdays. He's also started going to Lunch Club on Tuesdays and Thursdays while Daisy and I do our Bootcamp class. It's fun because I have a window from my room where I can watch him play. The first half hour or so, I watch the leaders bargain with him to eat more of the lunch that they make for him before he goes off to play. Then, he usually follows around his friend Jack, or plays with the ride-along cars. He has great fun and so do I now that he's now around to bug me while I do my push ups.
Daisy is changing everyday. Her circle of comfort is slowly getting bigger. Her most favourite thing is to sit in her highchair and eat. She loves just about anything and is pretty efficient at finishing it all up. For breakfast today, she finished close to two waffles, a handful of blueberries, and some Cheerios.
She crawls around very easily and loves pulling herself up to standing. Tonight, we watched her gleefully stand and splash about in Jessie's bowl of water.
She is still not the best sleeper and I am still getting up once or twice each night. I won't be sorry when that comes to an end. Each morning, both kids end up in bed with me and I bribe them with TV to leave me alone so I can get a few more moments of shut eye.
This weekend we took Hayden out for his first skate. It was a big success. He loved it and didn't want to stop "practicing". I'm not sure who was loving it more though: Hayden or his Daddy.

Hayden insisted on pulling her then entire way around the block.
Trying to get the helmet on.
Give it to Daisy instead.

I'm thinking of sending Daisy's pic to Regis and Kelly for their Beautiful Baby contest. Heck, we could win free tuition out if it or, better yet, get to meet Gelman! It's been difficult capturing all of Daisy's cuteness in one pic. Here are a few in the running but I honestly think I can do better. Would you pick any of these?
#2 or #4 for the cutest baby pic contest!!! The last one looks just like Hayden! They are both sooo beautiful!!xoxox
I'm sure you mean all three, Miss Jaime...
Shame on you.
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