Things are so busy here with two kids, that I sometimes lose track of little Daisy and how much she's growing and changing. She's coming around after a bout of stranger anxiety. It's fun to see her and Scott connecting more these days. One of her favourite activities (other than being held) is to roll around on the ground. She's pretty good at pulling herself along towards things that she'd like to play with. It looks a little like a demented sea creature dragging itself along the ocean floor but, somehow on her, it looks cute.
Thanksgiving was full of activity. We hosted two yummy turkey dinners for friends and family. Hayden chose to keep Jessie company in the basement for both. I checked in on him a couple of times. Here's how our conversations went: Me-Hayden, do you want to come up for some dinner? Hayden (slumped in his chair like a sullen teenager)-No, I'm watching TV.
He's been enjoying Duffer Doo and coming to my exercise classes too. Time is passing quickly and I try to remember to enjoy all of the messy, frustrating, tedious times along with the soft and mushy ones because I know it will be over sooner than I want it to.
That's her beer, not mine.
Sticky candy apples.

A rare glimpse of the two cousins together.
Daddy and Daisy
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