We had another busy fun-filled weekend here at Hayden Manor. Uncle Dan and Aunty Alexis came in for a nice visit. We were able to go to Smiths Falls together for a delicious lunch on Friday. We also had some friends over including Shawn and Sara who are here for an entire week's holiday. Saturday was a beautiful day outside and we all took advantage. Daddy Scott beat Uncle Dan's butt at tennis while Aunty Alexis, Hayden, and Mama jogged to the beach. At night, we all headed to Orchestra in the Park but the highlight of the night was definitely the poutine. On Sunday, we all piled in the car and headed to visit Papa. We are our faces off at the Chinese buffet including Hayden who mowed down on melon and pancakes. But, the truth is, I don't really remember any of it because after I picked up my copy of the last Harry Potter Friday at midnight, I wasn't able to put it down. Hope your weekend was as great as ours!
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