Hayden's first day of daycare went fabulous-ly. Laura said that he rolled all around with the other kids, took a long nap (!), and enjoyed sitting in the highchair while watching Laura's husband do some stone masonry work in the backyard. All of that for only $9. Actually, it cost a bit more than that because I had to go shopping in order to keep myself busy and not think of my little Hayden. The only problem was that wherever I went, there were these outrageously happy mommies with their babies.
Laura also said that she saw some pretty-close-to-crawling moves. Then, yesterday at Jaime's, Hayden got up on his hands and knees and crawled over to his new teething rattle from Aunty Debbie. He did it a couple of times but as soon as we brought out the camera, he reverted to rolling.
Here is Hayden with some wicked bedhead. He's also got some pretty good hockey-hair wings over the ears. Have a great weekend everybody...
ps Thanks for all the cool new clothes Aunty Jaime!

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