Technical Difficulties
Hi everyone. Our modem at home is broken so that is why there have been a lack of posts. It won't be fixed until Wednesday and then we will be going away for the long weekend. I guess this is a good a chance as any to take a mini holiday from the blog. We'll be back soon. Stay tuned...
On the Move
Hayden has really fine tuned his crawling skills. He's quick and purposeful. Check it out! Now comes the real work, chasing after him.
Hayden's sad because he wishes our house was carpeted.
Hayden's sad because he wishes our house was carpeted.

Drive In

So, we had a great Father's Day weekend here. I have been excited all week to go to the drive in. Yes, there is still one around. It's in the east end of Gatineau and it's all old-school and so the real thing. Well, I packed a cooler full of food, put Hayden's pyjamas on, and off we went. Here's the thing: if it's hot out, you want to open your windows but then the bugs come in so you close the window but then you're hot so you open them but then....In any case, the next time it's slightly windy and cooler out, head out to Templeton Cine-Parc in Gatineau for some good ol' fun.
Happy Daddy's Day
To all the Daddy's that Hayden knows and loves, he wanted to say:
Happy Daddy's Day to the Daddy's I know
You are all the best and that's fo' sho'
To David and Papa who are oh so smart
To Grandpa and Yeh Yeh who have my heart
But most of all to the one I love so dear
To my Daddy who I always want near
We're both alike in so many ways
Like we both stink, all night and day!
That's why I love you so hard and true
I love you dear Daddy now I gotta go poo

Happy Daddy's Day to the Daddy's I know
You are all the best and that's fo' sho'
To David and Papa who are oh so smart
To Grandpa and Yeh Yeh who have my heart
But most of all to the one I love so dear
To my Daddy who I always want near
We're both alike in so many ways
Like we both stink, all night and day!
That's why I love you so hard and true
I love you dear Daddy now I gotta go poo

Hayden's New Gal Pal
Here is Hayden's NEW girlfriend. Some of you might remember his former love but she dropped him quicker than Daddy can gobble down his dinner. This is Sophie. She's a lovely little lady that does the cutest little side-butt shuffle you've ever seen. Hayden's real keen on her although from these pictures, I'm not sure if he's keen on her or just keen to get her.
Watch out Sophie!
Watch out Sophie!
Good Help Is Easy To Find
Hayden had a jam packed day full of fun today. It started with our daily walk where we met up with a lady who fell in love with Jessie. She stopped us to talk for a long time and wanted to take Jessie home with her because she was so reminded of her dearly beloved dog Ben who died a few years back. Jessie was probably wondering if the lady had a baby at home and that if she didn't it sounded like a pretty good deal to her. Too bad for Jessie but Hayden just couldn't part with his beloved. At least Jessie got the better part of someone's attention for a change.
Next we were off to MacSkimming Outdoor Centre to meet up with the kids from Churchill who were on their overnight. Hayden wished he could have stayed for the marshmallows and the guaranteed chilling and bloodcurdling stories that Jennifer was bound to tell at the campfire. Maybe next year Hayden. Here is Ray doing what he does best: teaching Hayden how to look at the world from a different angle.
After a quick dip in the pool back at home, Hayden was off again. This time it was to hang out with Jessica, Debbie, and Jaime while Mama and Daddy were off at their third tennis lesson. Boy was it fun. He even got his first taste of a popsicle and some Cheerios! Too bad it was his last taste of a popsicle. That sugar sure did a number on Mama and Daddy back at home.

Next we were off to MacSkimming Outdoor Centre to meet up with the kids from Churchill who were on their overnight. Hayden wished he could have stayed for the marshmallows and the guaranteed chilling and bloodcurdling stories that Jennifer was bound to tell at the campfire. Maybe next year Hayden. Here is Ray doing what he does best: teaching Hayden how to look at the world from a different angle.

After a quick dip in the pool back at home, Hayden was off again. This time it was to hang out with Jessica, Debbie, and Jaime while Mama and Daddy were off at their third tennis lesson. Boy was it fun. He even got his first taste of a popsicle and some Cheerios! Too bad it was his last taste of a popsicle. That sugar sure did a number on Mama and Daddy back at home.
Jessica: Hayden's future Sugar Mama

Aunty Debbie: Knower of all things good and tasty

Why did I eat all of that sugar?

A Cool Dip

Wah...c'est chaud! Hayden took his first cool dip in his lovely turtle pool donated by the ever so generous Patrick. How refreshing. Now to find a turtle pool big enough for the rest of us.
Hayden's crawling abilities have come very far. Check out some of these new videos that show our Little Champ on the move.
ps Thank you Daddy for last night's sleep inducing walk. Hayden slept like a little lamb until 1:40!
Cereal is NOT the answer

Hayden hopes everyone had a restful weekend. He sort of did. Here he is with Grandma resting ever so peacefully during their Saturday visit. If only he could have held on to that feeling. On Sunday, Hayden played with Nai Nai and Yeh Yeh while we had our first tennis lesson (which was really fun). We also took him to the market while we had a nice dinner on a patio. He didn't eat as much as he usually does so, for kicks, I decided to follow the advice of so many and give him a little cereal-the wonder drug, before bed. Apparently, this magical food is the cure to our many sleepless nights. Well, I have never had a worse night yet. Hayden was not only up more times than usual but he was MAD. He told me how weak I was for following the advice of others when, in my heart, I knew that cereal was probably not the answer. That'll teach me. So, the moral of the story is, cereal is not the answer for my baby.
Bed Head
Hayden's first day of daycare went fabulous-ly. Laura said that he rolled all around with the other kids, took a long nap (!), and enjoyed sitting in the highchair while watching Laura's husband do some stone masonry work in the backyard. All of that for only $9. Actually, it cost a bit more than that because I had to go shopping in order to keep myself busy and not think of my little Hayden. The only problem was that wherever I went, there were these outrageously happy mommies with their babies.
Laura also said that she saw some pretty-close-to-crawling moves. Then, yesterday at Jaime's, Hayden got up on his hands and knees and crawled over to his new teething rattle from Aunty Debbie. He did it a couple of times but as soon as we brought out the camera, he reverted to rolling.
Here is Hayden with some wicked bedhead. He's also got some pretty good hockey-hair wings over the ears. Have a great weekend everybody...
ps Thanks for all the cool new clothes Aunty Jaime!

Success comes in all different forms. Before, success to me meant a fulfilling day at school where the students were enthusiastic about what we were learning about and I was able to assess them to boot! At home, success was a happy and somewhat tidy home. Some people find success in a full bank account while others feel successful by travelling the world and learning about other cultures.

Today, right now, I feel successful. Here is how I spell success.

He must be preparing for the big game and birthday dinner for daddy.
Ahhh...I speak too soon...he's crying now. Thanks a lot dumb blog. What a jinx.
Happy Birthday Daddy