We're back from our fun-filled weekend in Toronto. Hayden was a great little visitor and didn't overstay his welcome. We didn't take too many pictures as we were too busy having fun but here are a few shots of our weekend:
Here is Hayden keeping himself busy with a snack in the car on the way down.

What we didn't take any pictures of were Shawn and Scott taking care of Hayden and Jessie all on their own. All the ladies were busy at the spa enjoying an invigorating water circuit treatment including Nico's Grandmama Dianne and Sara. The boys were able to keep Hayden busy, happy, and sleepy! Hayden says he and Jessie are sorry that they weren't able to help you boys pick up the ladies on your walk. Better luck next time.
We love visiting everyone in Toronto. Shawn and Sara are so great at opening up their place to all of us, including Jessie. We can't wait to visit them in their new place and play at the big park!
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