We don't even know where to begin. First of all, thank you to everyone and their well wishes. We may not have the time to reply to all of your emails but they've been read and appreciated.
I want to thank the students of Churchill and especially from 216 for all of your great cards. They were a great surprise when I got home from the hospital.
Thank you to Grandma Elaine and Nai Nai Tsao for all of the nourishment. Grandma Elaine came over and cooked up enough meals to feed an army. She knows her son well. Everything has been so easy to heat up and it's all been so yummy. Nai Nai Tsao made some miracle ancient Chinese secret soup. It's probably the reason I'm feeling so great. Both Grandpa Doug and Yeh Yeh Tsao have been there with strong shoulders to lean on and a quiet confidence in our abilities that is also much appreciated.
Our friends Ray and Jenny took such good care of our house and our Jessie while we were at the hospital. So good in fact that Jessie's thinking of moving in with them now that we're back with the baby. We aren't letting her go though.
Thank you to the Godparents. Godmother Sara was super helpful running errands at the hospital even though she was busy with her brother's wedding. Godfather Shawn was awesome at entertaining Scott and helping him to relax after the hospital ordeal.
We can't thank Aunty Jaime enough for EVERYTHING! Hayden owes her big and we'll make sure he pays up...in kisses.
Big ups to Aunty Heidi too. Since her and Nico showed up, she's made Nico clean our fridge, make meals, clean up after meals, and even massage Unkie Scott's stinky feet! Just kidding. She didn't massage his feet. Actually, we think of Aunty Heidi every time we open our immaculate fridge. She's given us so much helpful advice like how to give Hayden his first bath. She even helped to bring Hayden out on his first outings today as we had some appointments. This included sitting in a stinky waiting room at the Gatineau Hospital with naked old people dressed only in sparse gowns. Now, if that's not love, I don't know what is. Thank you Aunty Heidi!
We know we're probably forgetting someone as everyone has been so helpful. We're so grateful.

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