
Our only family photo to date.

Hello Mateys. I know it's been a while since we be postin' but we be busy sailing on the briney blue for loot and pirate booty. Here are some pics from our adventures on the high seas on Hayden's actual birthday. The folks did a whole song and dance where the kids got to look for treasure, shoot the water cannons at Pirate Pete, and even dance a jig. Hayden's favourite part was definitely the cannons. He hit a wall towards the end and just stopped moving.

The official pirate salute.
Hayden looking for buried treasure. Gross.
Hayden after having hit the wall.
He got picked up and carried out from that same spot.
Plunked into the car and fell asleep.
We're also getting up to no good at home. This week marks the beginning of some crucial socializing for Hayden (and alone time for Daisy and I). Hayden starts Duffer Doo on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and he's also doing a music class on Fridays. This past Friday, we started with an orientation for Duffer Doo and then his first music class. We told him about it the night before and he was so excited that he got up two hours early. By the time music class came around, the poor sucker was so tired that he refused to participate when we got there. Then the teacher brought out the instruments and he got excited. She gave him the bells and then he threw a hissy for the sticks. It was so fun---NOT. Here's hopin' this week goes a bit smoother.
Daisy was sick all weekend. She had a low grade fever for a couple of days but is feeling much better now. She's getting slightly better at night but still pesters me quite a bit. She's still a bit of a diva.
We've been getting into somewhat of a routine here. Hayden, Daisy, and I can manage the groceries with fewer incidents (only one hospital visit for falling out of the cart). They both enjoy coming to exercise class with me where Hayden is supposed to sit on his island (blue mat) but usually ventures out to do some weights with me while Daisy amuses herself in the exersaucer. We fair better when we keep busy and stay out and about. Today we are staying at home so that Hayden can stay in some underwear all day long. So far, we got 3 pees in the toilet and one poop in the pants. Heavy sigh.
Hayden's been a bit funny at night claiming to be scared. Before we leave, he has us remove almost everything that isn't bolted to the ground. He's really into Toy Story these days and Scott is excited to take him to the double bill 3D version soon.

Hmmm...I wonder if Daisy will notice if I just take one nibble.
Yup, she noticed.

Through some miracle, they both happen to be napping right now so excuse me while a steal a moment for myself while I got it. Tootles!

MY Birthday Party Mama?

Here are some pics from Hayden's Birthday Party. I kind of figured that Hayden thought birthday parties weren't really to celebrate anyone in particular. He's always been able to blow the candles on everyone else's cake so I thought he just saw them as a party. But, when we were talking about it the morning of the party, he suddenly piped up and said, "It's my party mama? Wif my handles (candles)? and my presents? and my bayoons (balloons)?
We went with a pirate theme and even made a ginormous pirate ship out of cardboard boxes with Shawn and Sara's help. We did a treasure hunt and the scallywags and wenches had a lot of fun with only one minor meltdown. Hey, even pirates can have their moments. Pilfering for loot can be

Wake me up when September ends

As everyone else is pulling out their fresh markers from their shiny new backpacks, Hayden, Daisy and I are trying to settle into a routine. This is only day two mind you. I'll let you know how it's going after a little more time. Suffice it to say that I hope things are on an upward trend.
Meanwhile, here are some pics from the last of our summer adventures. Jaime and I took the kids to the Papanack Zoo on the hottest day in the history of the world. It looked like a fun zoo. We wouldn't know because Hayden got distracted by the cruddy little playground and then took a suck when we tried to show him the animals instead.

The great potty struggle of 2009 continues. The battle wears on but I hold out hope.
Hayden had a blast when Meghan and Owen came over for a playdate. The kids had fun eating a pizza, making Meghan push the boys on the tractor, taking a bath together, and settling down for a movie.

Uncle Dan and Aunty Alexis made the trek down to Ottawa for an Officer family reunion at our house. We have so much fun when they visit and we're always bummed when they leave.
We went for a visit to see Papa. Hayden still loves running around his retirement complex. Daisy enjoyed putting smiles on some faces, including Papa's. On the way home from Montreal on the highway, we passed Ray Ray and Jenny who were on their way home from the Montreal airport after their honeymoon! What a co-winky-dink!
Our new roomies are settling in and getting used to all the sticky messes and sloppy kisses that come with living with us. Look at Daisy May staring at her style icon and Hayden grossing Shawn out at the breakfast table. Shawn has most appropriately nicknamed Hayden "The Hurricane".

Daisy May took the summer to grow like a weed. She's got two bottom teeth now and she put them to good use last night on her first meal. She chose sweet potatoes and gobbled them down quickly. She's still quite a Mama's gal and prefers to spend her time being held. She loves watching Hayden bounce around.

I'm off to try and entertain both kids while walking the dog. If you don't hear from me in a while, send for reinforcements and pray that we survive through nap time.