More people have asked me about this blog then how much our new little Half 'n Half weighs! The pressure!
Things are just settling down a bit here. Scott has returned to work today and Hayden is at daycare. My sister and her family came down for a surprise visit and they have returned home. We are expecting a new batch of visitors soon so I'll take this chance to update everyone a little.
Daisy was born Saturday morning at 6:01 am. It was another eventful birthing story.
Friday evening, Ray and Jenny brought over Thai food and played another bitter game of Catan with us. We went to bed at about midnight feeling full and angry at Jenny for winning. At about 2:30, I awoke feeling kinda sick. I went to the little girl's room and my mucous plug uncorked (yummy!). I called the hospital and they assured me that it could still be another week. Unless I was having contractions, I shouldn't worry. I filled Scott in and tried to go back to sleep. I tossed and turned for a while because I still wasn't feeling all that well.
At about 3:30, I decided to start timing my "contractions". At this point, I wasn't sure that I was actually having contractions but there were sensations that seemed to be rolling in and out. In between, I tried to entertain myself with some YouTube. After about an hour of this, I decided to give Scott another update. It was at this point that I felt a little more confident that the sensations were in fact contractions. I decided to get into the bathtub which seemed to relieve the pain a bit. We were still timing the contractions but they seemed sporadic to me. I thought this meant that we were still far off from an actual baby. Scott, meanwhile, seemed hell bent on getting things going. I tried to hold him off but the contractions just seemed to be coming one after the other, preventing me from communicating properly.
He was great though. He did everything right and even had the wits about him to put on the t-shirt that he wore when Hayden was born! He called Jaime and warned her that she probably shouldn't take her time. He insisted that Ray and Jenny get over as quickly as possible. He helped me get ready and get all of our things together and all the while, he was helping me feel comfortable and deal with the pain.
Poor Ray and Jenny got over to our house at about 5:00 only to find me down on all fours begging for mercy. I don't think it was the transition they were expecting. They helped us get into the car and we were off. Somehow, I calmed myself down in the car enough to tell Scott to slow down but also to run all the reds. I can only imagine how stressful it was for him to drive down bumpy lower Aylmer Road, especially considering I had already pushed once before leaving the house. We got to the hospital in no time and walked up to the birthing unit (no namsy pamsy wheel chair for me!) where they immediately whisked me in for a check only to discover that I was already 8cm. Scott was sent off to get our bags and then we went straight to the delivery room. Jaime arrived in time but our Doctor had not yet arrived. All of the nurses and the resident doctor seemed confident but alarmed at how quickly everything was happening. At this point, all I wanted to do was push. Scott even got up right on the bed so that he could look down at me and urge me to breathe. With a few pushes, our little girl was born. Scott was the one who first saw that she was a girl and gave me the good news.
I felt really alert and present this time, compared to last time when I felt really out of it. Dr. Schneider arrived a short while later to congratulate us. Meanwhile, Scott, Jaime, and I tried to pick a name. We had our list but none of them seemed to fit. Our resident doctor came in to check us one last time. As she left I said, "Thank you Daisy!" as that was her name. We all looked at each other and knew that we had found the right name.
Scott was amazing throughout. He was calm but took charge and made me feel safe. Jaime was equally great and I'm so happy she was able to be there on time for this one. Knowing that Hayden was at home with Ray and Jenny was also a great source of comfort. They took such great care of him, especially considering the fact that he was sick and need a lot of extra TLC. Jenny even cooked up a delicious MEAT lasagna that we gobbled down as soon as we got home. We are so lucky to have them as friends.
Thank you to everyone for their well wishes. Please excuse us if it takes us a while to get back to you personally. More updates to come soon...