Hayden also wants to congratulate two of his most favourite people in the world: Ray Ray and Jenny. He can't wait to be your ring boy.
Hayden also wants to congratulate two of his most favourite people in the world: Ray Ray and Jenny. He can't wait to be your ring boy.

Sorry Grandpa and Jaime
His vocabulary list is getting quite long. Along with all of those names you just heard (sorry Grandpa and Jaime, I think he just had too much cookie in his mouth-he's said both of your names before, swearsies) he also says:
help please, thank you, husha (as in ring around the rosie), ball, go, no, shoe, socks, juu, duh, ug, awaa, nue-I'm not sure what those last few mean yet but I'm sure they're something because he says them with such conviction.
He's enjoying the better weather and gravitates right for puddles that are filled with sludge and slime from the winter. Another sign that he's a big boy is that he walks himself out of daycare and to the car rather than being carried.
Then Now
Here he is enjoying some snacks and Oprah.
Bye for now...


The Real Hayden

Hayden's up to no good as usual. The other day, Laura caught him wagging his finger at Liam and then he slapped him! She gave him a timeout and when it was over, he went straight to Liam and gave him a hug. So, while our son may now purposefully smack to cause pain, he also shows empathy and understanding. I guess that's a good trade off.

New Year-New Tricks

Just like Al Bundy
Uncle Shawn and the Golden Shorts

Happy Mama with Sara
Officer Sandwich

Guitar Hero
Guitar Zero
He partied way too hard at New Years too with Aunty Alexis, Uncle Dan, their friends Jamie and Sarah, and Uncle Ray, and Miss Jenny. It's a good thing he has more sense then Uncle Ray and Daddy and decided not to play with power tools at three in the morning.

Dancing with Aunty Alexis

Clownin' with Uncle Dan

Pooped and Partied Out
Hayden's also learned lots of new tricks over the holidays. His first real word that he uses in the right context is...CRACKER. Surprise, surprise, it's a food. He actually says something closer to "ca-ca" and uses it to refer to almost all foods. I first noticed it when I was putting him in the car seat and he spotted some cookies that he had left there for future enjoyment. He excitedly blurt out, "ca-ca, ca-ca, ca-ca!" until I handed one over. Now he'll ask for a ca-ca pretty much 24-7. Hayden's also quite the dancer. He loves to bounce up and down and swing from side to side when he hears a good tune. His favourite tunes to dance to are commercial jingles and television theme show songs. He also loves to rock out to his mini-synthesizer that Grandma found for him. Other than continuing to torment and pamper Jessie, he's pretty much just into running around wild and climbing up onto anything that he can and shouldn't be scaling. What a kid.