
Hayden had a very nice visit with Papa today. We had lunch at Papa's favourite Greek restaurant with his friend Danielle. Hayden was a perfect gentleman during lunch. Papa says that Hayden has gotten much bigger, meatier, and cuter. We agree. It's so nice to have such a wise Great Grandfather. We left right after lunch because Hayden, Papa, and Mommy all needed a nap. You can check out a video clip of Papa and Hayden here.
Hayden is also crossing his fingers for his friend Janet. He hopes that her daughter has a speedy recovery and that he can visit with both of them soon. Good luck Anika. We are thinking of you.
Money Maker

Hayden was a busy money maker today at the Churchill Craft Fair. Our friend Jenny finally decided to go public with her beautiful jewelery and Hayden and I went along to help her out. I think his perfectly cute face was responsible for at least half of her profits. But seriously, Jenny's beautiful jewels were a hit just like we knew they would be. Hayden was such a good baby by sleeping for the first three hours of the sale and then smiling for the last hour and a half. He was ooohed and aaahed over quite a bit and he handled it very well.
Hayden's still a bit congested. We called Telehealth Ontario today just to get a peace of mind on everything. The nurse suggested a saline solution to help him out but told us there's nothing to worry about. What a great service.
Hayden met a potential girlfriend today. He went to Aunty Jaime's and met Ira and Vimi and their baby Maya. She is one month older than Hayden and has the most beautifully huge eyes. Unfortunately for Maya, it was Vimi that Hayden couldn't take his eyes off of. He really was enamored with her. 

Clean Bill

Today Mommy and Dad said I was a very brave boy. I went to CHEO where they put a little tube up my "you-know-where". This hurt a little and I did cry a bit but then it stopped so I did too. Then, I had to pee, so I did and everyone seemed very happy. Six people were there watching me so I'm glad I was able to perform under such pressure. I don't know what it was all about but I think I did a good job because the doctors told Mommy and Dad that everything looked fine and that I didn't have reflux. Yeah for me!
Snotty T.O.

Toronto is full of snotty people...to be specific, Nico. Her nose was a constant flow of green boogers. Lucky for us, we are all snotty now too! Poor little Hayden is a bit congested but I think Scott and I got the worst of it. Oh well. It was still a lot of fun to visit with everyone. Hayden even hit the big city and did a bit of shopping. He stayed up late and played video games with Shawn and Scott. He had quality time with Sara and met Amy-Jo and Matt. Oh yeah, he even saw his first celebrity. While eating brunch, Hayden sat next to the Canadian Tire guy, you know, the one with all the cool tools. He was a little starstruck and could barely contain his excitement. All in all, he had a great time. He was also a great traveller in the car. He slept for almost the entire trip back except for a little snack half way home.
We're home now and can't wait for the next 5 weeks. Scott is taking his 5 weeks of paternity leave and will be home to play. We're looking forward to having a lot of fun and getting some projects done around the house.
Tomorrow our big project involves Hayden's kidneys. Before he was born, an ultrasound showed that they were slightly dilated. It should be nothing to worry about but we are going to do a procedure tomorrow to see if the dilation is due to something called reflux. You can read more about it here. If it isn't reflux, it's likely nothing major and he should outgrow it.
So, look forward to some posts from Hayden's Dad now that he's off and around during the day to play. I'm looking forward to using the opportunity to get some projects done including that quilt from way back when.

First Road Trip
We got our paws on some pictures that Aunty Jaime took the night Hayden was born. Here is just a sample.

The Big Apple

I don't know how many apples tall Hayden is now but it's enough to stick some kicks onto the bottom of them! Check out these super cool shoes Aunty Jaime bought for Hayden. On a whim, I decided to check and see how much longer it would take for Hayden to fit into them and whaddya know, they fit! They're still a bit big in the toes but they certainly don't fall off.
Gleep Glop Crew

Whew...We just got back from a last minute whirlwind visit. Dad's friend Peter called to say that two of Dad's good friends were in for a visit. So, we packed up and headed over to see Dad's oldest friend Marco and his good friend Jay Kelly. Mommy says that Dad used to live with them in the dirtiest house she's ever seen but that they had a lot of fun together. They even invented a fun ball game that dad promised to teach me some day called Gleep Glop. He warned me not to play with a book of matches in my pocket though. I wonder how he figured that out...
Two Months!

Today is Hayden's two-month birthday. Happy Birthday Hayden! We celebrated with the ladies of Churchill Alternative who threw us a shower at the lovely Michele's house. It was a lot of fun to smell and guess at the contents of dirty diapers and to bob for cotton balls with our greased up honkers. I guess you had to be there. Thank you to all who came, and for those that stayed away, no Guiness cake for you.
Hayden also visited Brock and Christina, a high school friend of his Mama's and his very artistic wife. Mama saw how handy Brock was and it made her nag Dad about fixing up our bathroom.
Guess what's in the dirty diaper

Pipe Dream
Well, Scott's pipe dream about the pipe is a pipe dream no more. We finally bit the bullet and got our clogged pipe replaced. This means that the pipe won't be able to get clogged up with roots anymore and cause back-up in our basement. That's the good news. That's right, there's bad news. The roots are growing through our weaping tile. The guys said they've never seen such large roots in a weaping tile before. Now, this problem isn't going to cause us any immediate problems. It hasn't been a problem so far and it's not something that can go from a "no problem situation" right away to a "problem situation". Who knows with our luck though.
At least Hayden's not getting his knickers tied in a knot about it.

Sweater Buddies

Yeh Yeh bought Hayden a great cardigan today. He looks a little like an old retired man in it. We spent the day with Nai Nai and Yeh Yeh at the craft fair today. Hayden slept through the entire trip. Last night, Hayden went to sleep at around 8:30. Feeling kind of tired, I thought I'd take advantage and went to bed at around 9:30. I woke up at 11:00 and wasn't too worried because I was pretty sure Hayden would get up soon to eat. Well, I waited and waited. I couldn't fall asleep for some reason. Well, wouldn't you know it, Hayden didn't get up until 1:30! Just when he decides to finally sleep longer than 3 hours during the night and I can't sleep to take advantage of it. Oh well.
Last Visit
The Blues

Even though Hayden is wearing his very first blue jeans, he's still feeling a little blue. He doesn't think he can wait the whole eight hours until his Dad comes home to play with him. He knows the weekend is just around the corner when he can hang out with his Dad all day long and he's not feeling very patient. Can't wait to see you Dad! We love you!