Weekend Warrior

Another busy weekend for our little social butterfly. Lunch with Sara and Jaime, visiting with cousin Beckie, shopping with Mommy and Dad, a Halloween party, and a full body spa massage! Aunty Sara finally got a chance to come down for a visit so little Hayden sprayed her with all sorts of attention. Sorry Sara. She gave us a book on Baby Massages so Hayden got a full body rub down. What a lucky duck. Dad really helped this weekend by waking up and doing a midnight rocking chair session. He also gave Mommy some time to work on a Halloween surprise. More to come on that later. Hopefully everyone had as great of a weekend as Hayden!
Does this look like someone who needs a massage?

10 Apples Tall!

X Rated

Well, it had to be done. Sooner or later, everyone has to have their first naked pictures taken. Today was just that day for Hayden. His bum just turned ripe today. It must have been from his workout session at our Fit Mom class this morning.
Hayden also found out that his Great Papa is checking out the blog at his neighbour's house so he wanted to say a special "Hello!" to Papa.

Grandpa's Magic Touch

Well, I was feeling a bit fussy because I had such a busy weekend. First, I had lunch with all of Nai Nai's crazy friends. Then, I went for a long walk with Mommy, Dad, and Jessie. Nai Nai and Yeh Yeh came for a surprise visit on Saturday for dinner and Grandma and Grandpa came today for dinner. All of that action made me a bit cranky until Grandpa Doug's big, strong shoulder calmed me right down. Sometimes, that's all a boy needs.
Last night was rough for Mommy and Dad. Hayden woke up as usual at around 2:00 to eat but then decided to stay awake for two hours!
I had to take the video out that was previously here. I have some videos on You Tube which you can look for. I think I put Hayden's name in the tag.
This is a genuine smile. I just told Hayden we're going to meet Dad and Aunty Jaime for lunch. He's so excited.
Who Are You?

I recently added a counter to the blog which tracks the number of visits. I'm kind of taken aback by the numbers. Hayden and I are wondering who are all these people that are peeking into our daily lives.
It was a quiet day for us. We are resting up for tomorrow. Nai Nai is having us over for lunch along with many of her lady friends. Hayden is giving his cheeks a rest before they get all kissed and pinched out.
Scott's Moment to Shine

Hayden and I went to our first "FitMoms" class. He slept through most of the class so I used weights instead of his body but it should be more fun later on when he can hold his head up and I can use him to do chest presses.
Scott let me go and have some retail therapy tonight while he spent his first night alone with Hayden. He did an awesome job keeping Hayden happy. I, on the other hand, didn't love being away for so long. Who knew shopping could be such a chore.
Packin' It On

Say what you will about "La Bell Province" but they sure do take care of their babies. Every Monday, there is a free breastfeeding clinic and a free "How is your baby doing?" clinic with a nurse on hand to answer any of your questions. Hayden and I dropped in today to see how much weight he's gained. Scott and I made a some guesses yesterday. He guessed 6.6 lbs and I guessed 7.1 lbs. We were both wrong...Hayden weighs a whopping 8 lbs!!
It's funny how your priorities change and what tiny things can make your day: a couple of pounds gained (on Hayden, not me), a good burp after a feeding (for Hayden or for me), being woken up at 4 am instead of 2am. These small things can really make a lady's day.
We tried something else new today. Now, I love my slings but, when walking Jessie and trying to hold Hayden up in the sling, things can get a bit much. Today, we took our first walk in the stroller. This meant a much longer walk for Jessie. She was happy to see that she still takes after her mother when passers-by mistook her for just a young pup when she is in fact the ripe old age of five.

Fall Has Arrived

The colder weather has arrived. Good thing Aunty Debbie got us a great hat and mitt set to keep us bundled. Dad is working hard in the yard with his fancy new leaf blower. It certainly makes the job a lot easier.
Hayden's going through a bit of a gassy phase. Sometimes he grunts so hard it seems he's trying to squeeze out a brick house! Poor little guy.


It's hard to notice how much Hayden is changing because we see him everyday. Aunty Jaime came over today and said that his cheeks are getting chubbier and that she can feel a little more meat on his bones. Can you see any differences?
I'm a little terrified about what is going to happen tonight. I can usually count on him to be awake for a couple of hours in the morning and a couple in the evening. So far today, he has slept through most of the day. I think I have a long night ahead of me so I better head off to bed.
Happy Birthday Hayden
Giving Thanks

We give thanks for a great long weekend with family and for Aunty Heidi and Grandma Elaine's wonderful Thanksgiving feasts. Hayden is so excited to be related to so many good cooks. He can hardly wait until he can start eating solids.
We are still trying to get over how big Nico has gotten. It's hard to believe that Hayden will be that big in one short year.
It's too bad that Uncle Dan and Aunty Alexis couldn't come and join us in the Falls. Hayden wanted to wish his Aunty Alexis a Happy Birthday. Take a break from studying and make sure Uncle Dan spoils you rotten today.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We are certainly giving thanks for our little gangster.

Officer Homie
Three Apples Tall but Nothing to Wear

When Aunty Heidi first saw Hayden, her first words were, "Well you're just three apples tall!" He is still a wee little guy so finding proper attire to woo his public has been difficult. Every time we find something new in his drawers that fit, it's quite exciting. This past weekend, he wore his first long sleeve/pant combination. He looked like a teenager! Today, it's his first hoodie. We'll take any milestones we can.

bad hair day

Hayden and I are really getting into the swing of things. We've got our own little routine now. In the morning, he'll eat at about 7:00 and then we'll get changed and go downstairs. He'll usually eat a bit more when we get downstairs and then he has his longest period of alertness. He'll usually stay awake for anywhere from an hour to three hours depending on what we're doing. He'll eat again at around noon or one and then we'll take a nap. We'll get up at around 4:00 and he'll eat again and then we'll wait for Scott to get home. He'll usually get hungry again just as our dinner is ready and then again just before bed time. He's usually alert for his dad during the evening for an hour or so. Right now, he's getting up twice during the night to eat but we're hoping that will come to an end soon.
Today, he was alert for over four hours as we visited our friends at Churchill. The kids from my class seemed to really love the visit as did the teachers. His level of alertness makes me believe he's going to be really into school when he's older.
Right now, he's settling in and getting ready to watch Ottawa beat the pants off of the Leafs.
Weekend Rejuvenation
It was nice to take it easy this weekend after such a hectic week. We did lots of visiting this week including one with Shannon and her two sons which you can read about here. Our friends Ray and Jenny also hosted a TGIF for the Churchill crew to show off their new kitchen. I guess we did a bit showing off of our own too. All that visiting sure made us tired so we spent the weekend resting up.
I don't know who is more sleepy...