Nico visiting

Hayden graduating from Elf Academy

Gardening with Daddy

First card game
This year was very full of change and good routines. We settled into our busy day to day schedule. Hayden adjusted to school fabulously. He loved going and made lots of good friends. As the son of the best teacher in school, he had a bit of a celebrity status and would often comment on all of the strange big kids that would wave at him. Daisy did amazingly well at her new Montessori daycare after and initial adjustment period. She amazes everyone with all of the things she knows. She can sing a bazillion songs, knows the alphabet, spells her name, and does our taxes. It's really quite amazing. Hayden and Daisy have learned to equally love and hate each other with so much more passion and vigour this year. They can play so well together. Hayden has turned into such a great big brother and will often help Daisy with so much. Daisy, in turn, idolizes Hayden and does everything that he does. Here's where the fighting came in. Hayden's into building "tents" (a big pile of blankets and pillows on the ground), lego, Star Wars, drawing, and books. Daisy loves her Baby, Dolly, Funny Baby, her dancing dresses, and anything that Hayden has.
All in all, the year has been a blur. The kids are growing fast and we are very proud.